9 reasons why there's never been a better time to use natural hair care


If you’re tired of poor-performing hair care products and want to stop using chemicals on your body for a healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyle, going natural with your hair care is the only affordable and effective way to go.  Natural hair care works for all hair types, including straight, curly, coily and kinky.

Here’s why there’s never been a better time to go natural:

  1. Remote working = more time at home

    Instead of a daily commute and busy time outside of the home, more of us can finally take the time to make the change to natural hair care. If you’d like to make a substantial change to your hair style - like retexturizing, coloring, or addressing hair loss - your time at home is important because natural hair treatments need more time to work (think gentle, but effective).

  2. Beautiful, BETTER results.

    Longer and thicker hair can be a reality for you. Because the natural approach focuses on healthier hair, natural hair care yields better and lasting results, especially if you have challenges like dry hair or an oily scalp, breakage and split ends, hair loss or slow growth. Herbs and natural hair care are gentle and effective for many hair and scalp issues.

  3. More focus on self care and self-reliance

    The pandemic has most of us thinking about our health, with a focus on being nicer and kinder to ourselves, while building a healthier lifestyle at home. Natural hair care works on

  4. Natural looking hair color 

    Dyeing your hair with plants and herbs yields beautiful results, from permanent color to temporary glosses and great gray coverage.  The caveats are that you can’t dye your hair lighter (because this involves removing pigment), and once you dye your hair with henna, you’ll need it to grow out before returning to chemical dyes (but why would you?).

  5. It’s Affordable

    Natural hair products and treatments are more accessible and affordably priced than ever before. Even before the quarantine, the demand for natural products and natural hair care techniques was surging. Further, some of the ingredients are those you’ll find in your kitchen.

  6. We’re better educated, and product makers and salons know it

    We’re all a lot more comfortable buying natural products online, and many product manufacturers have started to meet our demand for proper product labeling.  That said, remember to read the label - not the hype on product packages.

  7. Natural hair is trending

    Natural hair styles are embraced and trending.  And, if you live in California, the good news is the CROWN Act (Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair) or SB 188 has been in effect since January 1, 2020.  This law protects employees and students from discrimination based on natural hair and hairstyles associated with race.  That’s right, some companies can longer send you home or admonish you for hair that doesn’t fit the mainstream ideal. You can read more about The Policing of Black Hair here

  8. There’s still a YouTube video for everything

    including those by natural hair DIY beauty bloggers, educators (that’s me!) and influencers who share personal experiences with experimental hair care, including cuts, styling, treatments and product recommendations.  For the most part this community has moved DIY skin and haircare to the next level. Just remember to consider the source and, if you have a question about natural hair care, just ask in the comments or send us an email.

  9. The cottage industry is growing

    Your neighbors may be DIY skincare and hair care fanatics and can offer support and resources. There are also many cottage industry hair care providers, so you can support small business, your neighbors and community by buying accordingly.


Ready to get started? Here are some resources:

About Me

Allison Gibson | Natural HaiRevolution

Allison Gibson | Natural HaiRevolution

I offer guidance to help you achieve your best hair naturally using tested techniques, herbs and essential oils.  I’m an herbalist who grew tired of high-priced, poor performing products, so I studied and experimented with natural techniques and herbs.  Since then, my results have been amazing: I've reversed my hair loss, grown thicker hair, and even changed my hair texture from frizzy to a wavy/curly pattern.  I know everyone can have longer, stronger, thicker, healthier hair with knowledge and consistent use of the right herbals and techniques.